In the first place, you should understand that you will need to keep track of several logins and usernames, passwords while you are a student at SJSM. Here is the list:

Email - We use gmail (google mail), you will get an mail that looks like this: [email protected] (This is your username)

Password: The IT Department will email you with your login credentials

How to change the password: Make a support ticket at:

SJSM Central - This is your go-to resource for everything you need during your time at St. James School of Medicine. From accessing grades and course materials to staying informed about important dates and support services, SJSM Central has you covered.

Login link is

You will need to login with your school email address.

MySJSM - This is the learning management system for Academic course materials (based on Moodle),

You can login via with your school email address.

Student Portal: This is used for Tuition Payments (Finance info) and official Grades (Also called PCR)

You can login via with your school email address.

Library: This is used for getting library resources.

Login link is

AccessMedicine: You can create a Myaccess Profile to use some parts of this system, click top right "Sign In ", "Sign in or Create a Free MyAccess Profile" , You can use accessmedicine without this sign up but some parts of the site may not work. "Create a Free MyAccess Profile",

Username: (use your school email username)

Password: you will make up the password

How to change the password: Click "Forgot Username? Forgot Password?"

Campus Logins: Both printing and WIFI logins use the same username and password. These credentials will be given to you on Orientation Day by the librarian.