In the first place, you should understand that you will need to keep track of several logins and usernames, passwords while you are a student at SJSM. Here is the list:

Email - we use gmail (google mail), you will get an mail that looks like this: (This is your username)

Password: The IT Department will email you with your login credentials

How to change the password: Make a support ticket at:

MySJSM - This is the learning management system for Academic course materials (based on Moodle),

Site depends on campus or clinical:


St. Vincent:


Username: (first initial + Lastname)

Password: The IT Department will email you with your login credentials.

How to change the password: Click " Forgotten your username or password?", on the login page

Student Portal: This is used for Tuition Payments (Finance info) and official Grades (Also called PCR)

Username: (when you apply, it will be your personal email)

Password: (you will get it by email, when you apply)

How to change the password: Click " Forgot password?", on the login page, you will have to know your username or make a support ticket at:

Library: Some links require a username and password

Username: Your first name

Password: Your student ID

How to change the password: Cannot be changed

How to find out your Student ID: Call 1-847-375-9130 (extension 1110)

Accessmedicine: You can create a Myaccess Profile to use some parts of this system, click top right "Sign In ", "Sign in or Create a Free MyAccess Profile" , You can use accessmedicine without this sign up but some parts of the site may not work. "Create a Free MyAccess Profile",

Username: (use your school email username)

Password: you will make up the password

How to change the password: Click "Forgot Username? Forgot Password?"

Campus Logins: Both printing and wifi logins use the same username and password. These credentials will be given to you on Orientation Day by the librarian.