For us to upload documents on your behalf, you must provide the following information to ERAS. They will send a special link where we can access your profile and upload documents. 


  • St Vincent and the Grenadines

Title: Supervisor - Clinical Services

First: Michelle

Last: Specchio

Institution: Saint James School of Medicine

Dept: Clinical Services

Country: USA

Address Line 1: 777 Busse Hwy

City: Park Ridge

State: Illinois

Postal Code: 60068

Email: [email protected]

Phone:  847-574-9050 (Clinical Department)


  • Anguilla

Title: Assistant Manager - Registrar Services

First: Cherie

Last: Rodriguez

Institution: Saint James School of Medicine

Dept: Registrar Services

Country: USA

Address Line 1: 777 Busse Hwy 

City: Park Ridge

State: Illinois

Postal Code: 60068

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 847-979-9919 (Registrar Department)